Tony Nolan

Founder of Pinnacle Ares Glendale

Honoring our Founder

A Journey of Resilience and Passion

At Pinnacle, we are guided by the enduring spirit and unwavering dedication of our founder, Tony Nolan, a 1st degree black belt in the art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. His love for the art is evident through every student he has inspired.

However, the path of a true warrior is often marked by unforeseen challenges. In a tragic turn of events, Tony suffered a severe stroke in January of 2023. This injury has left him with significant residual effects, yet his spirit remains unbroken.

A Journey of Recovery

Following the injury, Tony went through a lengthy hospitalization and rigorous therapies. His determination and perseverance during this challenging period were extraordinary. With each literal step of his recovery, he demonstrated the true spirit of a martial artist, fighting not just to regain his strength, but to return to the mats he loves so dearly.

Professor Tony can often be seen working hard on his physiotherapy exercises with his wife, Tracy on Saturdays on the Pinnacle Mats. He even catches a roll from time-to-time, too!

Despite the hurdles, he continues to be a vibrant part of our community, participating whenever he can. His presence is a testament to his resilience and an inspiration to all who train here.